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Disallow extra spacing just after a tag is opened and just before a tag is closed.

The following patterns are considered violations

<h1> Lorem ipsum</h1>
<h1>Lorem ipsum   </h1>
<h1> Lorem ipsum </h1>
<p> <strong>Lorem</strong> ipsum</p>
<p> <!-- comment --><strong>Lorem</strong> ipsum</p>
<div> </div>

The following patterns are not considered violations

<h1>Lorem ipsum</h1>
<p><strong>Lorem</strong> ipsum</p>
<p><!-- comment --><strong>Lorem</strong> ipsum</p>
<p>Lorem <strong>ipsum</strong></p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...</p>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
<!-- comment -->
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
<!-- comment -->